Olyphant is located at 41°27’45″N 75°35’44″W (41.462630, -75.595617).

According to the United States Census Bureau, the borough has a total area of 5.4 square miles, of which, 5.4 square miles is land and .1 square mile is water.


Total Population 5,151
Housing Status
(in housing units unless noted)
Total 2,521
Occupied 2,324
Owner-occupied 1485
Population in owner-occupied
(number of individuals)
Renter-occupied 839
Population in renter-occupied
(number of individuals)
Households with individuals under 18 594
Vacant 197
Vacant: for rent 93
Vacant: for sale 49
Population by Sex/Age  
Male 2,467
Female 2684
Under 18 996
18 & over 4,155
20 – 24 302
25 – 34 674
35 – 49 1,065
50 – 64 1,137
65 & over 877
Population by Ethnicity  
Hispanic or Latino 177
Non Hispanic or Latino 4,974
Population by Race  
White 4,956
African American 81
Asian 16
American Indian and Alask Native 6
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander 0
Other 35
Identified by two or more 57


Total Population 12,702,379
Housing Status
(in housing units unless noted)
Total 5,567,315
Occupied 5,018,904
Owner-occupied 3,491,722
Population in owner-occupied
(number of individuals)
Renter-occupied 1,527,182
Population in renter-occupied
(number of individuals)
Households with individuals under 18 1,498,948
Vacant 548,411
Vacant: for rent 135,262
Vacant: for sale 64,818
Population by Sex/Age  
Male 4,190,363
Female 6,512,016
Under 18 2,792,155
18 & over 9,910,224
20 – 24 874,146
25 – 34 1,511,119
35 – 49 2,571,432
50 – 64 2,606,985
65 & over 1,959,307
Population by Ethnicity  
Hispanic or Latino 719,660
Non Hispanic or Latino 11,982,719
Population by Race  
White 10,406,288
African American 1,377,689
American Indian and Alaska Native 26,843
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander 3,653
Other 300,983
Identified by two or more 237,835

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